Valentine Chocolate Wrapper

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Valentine Chocolate wrapper, chocolate bar wrappers, personalize chocolate bar wrapper, custom chocolateI made Valentine Chocolate Wrappers to continue the trend of creating personalized wrappers for treats. I’ve seen valentine chocolate bar wrappers that are absolutely amazing but I wanted to stretch the idea a bit further and create a valentine wrapper for M&M’s mini tubes.

These M&M chocolate tubes are mini so as a parent I don’t feel guilty that I’m giving kids way too much chocolate. I do respect the fact that some parents are against treats so I would recommend this valentine gift only for bigger kids.  As a matter of fact, Shaudon still isn’t allowed to eat much candy.  The M&M’s chocolate mini tubes can be purchased just about everywhere that sells candy.  However, I bought mine at the Dollar Store and I know you can get them from Walmart or on Amazon.

Valentine Chocolate wrapper, chocolate bar wrappers, personalize chocolate bar wrapper, custom chocolate

These were super easy to create and the sky is the limit in terms of the message or phrase that can be printed on the wrappers. I used Illustrator to create this wrapper however if you wanted to create your own and you don’t have Illustrator, you can use Word.  I decided to create these chocolate wrappers with a fun statement “Hey friend, I got you some M&M’s”.  If you want to use the printable I used, you can grab your copy from my Resource Library

These are the supplies you will need:

  1. Printable from my Resource Library
  2. M&M’s mim chocolate tube
  3. Double-sided tape
  4. Scissors

The Wrapper for the mini tubes are the perfect size so it will fit around the tube with a little overlap. I didn’t remove the oroginal wrapper but that part is totally up to you.  To keep the wrappers  strongly glued, I advise using double-sided tape.

Valentine Chocolate wrapper, chocolate bar wrappers, personalize chocolate bar wrapper, custom chocolate

Let’s talk

What type of gifts you do think are appropriate for classroom gifting?


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